Title: | Agent-Based Models in R |
Description: | Supplies tools for running agent-based models (ABM) in R, as discussed in Gochanour et al. (2022) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14014>. The package contains two movement functions, each of which is based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) model (Ornstein & Uhlenbeck, 1930) <doi:10.1103/PhysRev.36.823>. It also contains several visualization and data summarization functions to facilitate the presentation of simulation results. |
Authors: | Benjamin Gochanour [aut, cre], Javier Fernandez-Lopez [aut], Andrea Contina [aut] |
Maintainer: | Benjamin Gochanour <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 1.0.10 |
Built: | 2025-02-19 05:46:06 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/abmR |
Here we define the geographical origin of the agents whose movement we will be modeling.
as.species(x = NA, y = NA)
as.species(x = NA, y = NA)
x |
Species origin longitude value (degrees). Required. |
y |
Species origin latitude value (degrees). Required. |
Object of class "species" for input into moveSIM() or energySIM()
myspecies <- as.species(x = -98.7, y = 34.7)
myspecies <- as.species(x = -98.7, y = 34.7)
Here, agent mortality occurs when agent reaches energy = 0. Agent energy stores are dynamic, and affect search area as a multiplier, so movement is directly affected by the quality of raster cells achieved. Results may be visualized with energyVIZ(). Relies on underlying function energySIM_helper(), which is not to be used alone.
energySIM( replicates = 100, days, modeled_species, env_rast, optimum_lo, optimum_hi, dest_x, dest_y, mot_x, mot_y, search_radius = 375, direction = "S", sigma = 0.1, mortality = TRUE, init_energy = 100, energy_adj = c(25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0, -5, -10, -15, -20, -25), single_rast = FALSE, write_results = FALSE )
energySIM( replicates = 100, days, modeled_species, env_rast, optimum_lo, optimum_hi, dest_x, dest_y, mot_x, mot_y, search_radius = 375, direction = "S", sigma = 0.1, mortality = TRUE, init_energy = 100, energy_adj = c(25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0, -5, -10, -15, -20, -25), single_rast = FALSE, write_results = FALSE )
replicates |
Integer, desired number of replicates per run, default 100. |
days |
Integer, How many days (timesteps) would you like to model? Range (1,nlayers(env_rast)) |
modeled_species |
Object of class "species" |
env_rast |
Rasterstack or Rasterbrick with number of layers >= days |
optimum_lo |
Numeric, optimal environmental value (low) |
optimum_hi |
Numeric, optimal environmental value (high) |
dest_x |
Numeric, destination x coordinate (longitude) |
dest_y |
Numeric, destination y coordinate (latitude) |
mot_x |
Numeric, movement motivation in x direction, range (0,1], default 1. |
mot_y |
Numeric, movement motivation in y direction, range (0,1], default 1. |
search_radius |
Radius of semicircle search regions (in km). Default 375. |
direction |
Character, movement direction, one of "N","S","E","W", or "R" (Random). Default "S". |
sigma |
Numeric, randomness parameter, range (-Inf, Inf). Default 0.1. |
mortality |
Logical, should low energy levels result in death? Default T. |
init_energy |
Numeric, initial energy in interval (0,100] |
energy_adj |
Numeric, Vector of length 11 representing desired energy gain/penalty corresponding to achieved env values in optimum range (1st element), and within 10, 20, ..., 80, 90, and 90+ percent (11th element) of the average of optimum hi and optimum lo. Recommend using default which is decreasing and symmetric about zero but can modify if desired. |
single_rast |
Logical, are you using a one-layer raster for all timesteps?. Default F. |
write_results |
Logical, save results to csv? Default F. |
For each timestep, agents can have status "Alive", "Stopped", or "Died". All agents start alive and may stop if, on a particular timestep, there are no non-NA raster values in the search region. This often occurs when agents are searching over an ocean or a large lake, for example. Once an agent stops, they remain stopped for the rest of the run. Similarly, once an agent dies, they retain this status for all subsequent timesteps. All timesteps with agent status "Stopped" or "Died" will have lat/lon=NA, so as to not affect subsequent analyses.
Under "results", a (days+1 X replicates) rows X 9 column dataframe containing data on agent_id, day, longitude, latitude, current agent status (Alive, Stopped, or Died), energy, change in energy from last time_step, distance traveled from last timestep (in km), and final status. Using tidy_results() provides a cleaner display of results.
Under "run_params", a record of function parameters used as well as missing_pct and mortality_pct. missing_pct corresponds to the percent of rows in the results dataframe missing information on lon/lat, which occurs when the agent has "died" or "stopped". mortality_pct refers to the percentage of agents in the run that died.
# Define species object pop1 <- as.species( x = -98.7, y = 34.7) # Run function EX1 <- energySIM( replicates = 2, days = 3, env_rast = ex_raster, search_radius = 400, sigma = .1, dest_x = -108.6, dest_y = 26.2, mot_x = .9, mot_y = .9, modeled_species = pop1, optimum_lo = .6, optimum_hi = .8, init_energy = 100, direction = "R", write_results = FALSE, single_rast = TRUE, mortality = TRUE) # View Results in Clean Format tidy_results(EX1, type = "results") tidy_results(EX1, type = "run_params")
# Define species object pop1 <- as.species( x = -98.7, y = 34.7) # Run function EX1 <- energySIM( replicates = 2, days = 3, env_rast = ex_raster, search_radius = 400, sigma = .1, dest_x = -108.6, dest_y = 26.2, mot_x = .9, mot_y = .9, modeled_species = pop1, optimum_lo = .6, optimum_hi = .8, init_energy = 100, direction = "R", write_results = FALSE, single_rast = TRUE, mortality = TRUE) # View Results in Clean Format tidy_results(EX1, type = "results") tidy_results(EX1, type = "run_params")
When type="plot", function plots the movement tracks versus the the straight line track between the origin and destination (unless the destination was unspecified in the call to energySIM(), then straight line track is omitted). When type="gradient", creates a gradient plot showing what regions cause agents to gain/lose energy. Two table options are also available using type="summary_table" or type="strat_table" (table with results stratified by energy gain or loss). Please see Vignette for examples of this output.
energyVIZ( data, type = "plot", title = "energySIM results", aspect_ratio = 1, label = FALSE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL )
energyVIZ( data, type = "plot", title = "energySIM results", aspect_ratio = 1, label = FALSE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL )
data |
Data to be plotted, this object should be the output from energySIM(). |
type |
String from "plot", "gradient", "summary_table", or "strat_table"? |
title |
Title for the plot that is output. |
aspect_ratio |
Aspect ratio, defaults to 1. |
label |
Logical, label the origin and specified final destination? |
xlim |
Optionally specify desired x limits as a numeric vector: c(low,hi) |
ylim |
Optionally specify desired y limits as a numeric vector: c(low,hi) |
Plot or table displaying energySIM() results.
# 1. Define Population and Run energySIM() pop1 <- as.species(x=-98.7, y=34.7) EX1=energySIM(replicates=2,days=7,env_rast=ex_raster, search_radius=200, sigma=.1, dest_x=-108.6, dest_y=26.2, mot_x=.9, mot_y=.9, modeled_species=pop1, optimum_lo=.8,optimum_hi=.9,init_energy=100, direction="R",write_results=FALSE,single_rast=TRUE,mortality = TRUE) # 2. Run energyVIZ() on your result energyVIZ(EX1,title="Visualizing EnergySIM results",type="plot", aspect_ratio=5/3, label=TRUE) energyVIZ(EX1,type="summary_table") energyVIZ(EX1,type="strat_table") # energyVIZ(EX1,type="gradient")
# 1. Define Population and Run energySIM() pop1 <- as.species(x=-98.7, y=34.7) EX1=energySIM(replicates=2,days=7,env_rast=ex_raster, search_radius=200, sigma=.1, dest_x=-108.6, dest_y=26.2, mot_x=.9, mot_y=.9, modeled_species=pop1, optimum_lo=.8,optimum_hi=.9,init_energy=100, direction="R",write_results=FALSE,single_rast=TRUE,mortality = TRUE) # 2. Run energyVIZ() on your result energyVIZ(EX1,title="Visualizing EnergySIM results",type="plot", aspect_ratio=5/3, label=TRUE) energyVIZ(EX1,type="summary_table") energyVIZ(EX1,type="strat_table") # energyVIZ(EX1,type="gradient")
Simulated environmental raster for usage in abmR examples.
An object of class RasterLayer
of dimension 200 x 200 x 1.
Warning: this function will download to your hard drive (to a location specified by your current working directory) the below files, totaling approximately 620 MB. Please do not attempt to use if you have insufficient hard drive space or Random Access Memory (RAM). Objects to be downloaded are listed under "details". The first time you use this function, you will be directed to your browser and required to sign in to your Google account to connect to the Tidyverse API. If you use the function a second time, you may simply follow the prompts and enter a number corresponding to the previous accounts listed.
NDVI_2013_NA: A raster stack containing daily NDVI data for North America, on a .05 x .05 degree grid. Data runs from 8/26/2013-9/21/2013.
NDVI_2013_NA_composite: Single layer raster formed by taking mean of NDVI_2013_NA
NDVI_2013_Europe: A raster stack containing daily NDVI data for Europe, on a .05 x .05 degree grid. Data runs from 8/26/2013-9/21/2013.
NDVI_2013_Europe_composite: Single layer raster formed by taking mean of NDVI_2013_Europe
No return value, called to download files to hard drive.
Vermote, Eric; NOAA CDR Program. (2019): NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of AVHRR Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Version 5. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. https://doi.org/10.7289/V5ZG6QH9. Accessed 12/26/2020.
Here, agent mortality occurs when agent fails to achieve suitable raster values at least n_failures+1 timesteps in a row. Agent energy stores are not dynamic, so movement speed isn't directly affected by quality of raster cells achieved. Results may be analyzed with moveVIZ(). Relies on underlying function moveSIM_helper(), which is not to be used alone.
moveSIM( replicates = 100, days, modeled_species, env_rast, optimum, dest_x, dest_y, mot_x, mot_y, search_radius = 375, direction = "S", sigma = 0.1, mortality = TRUE, fail_thresh = 0.5, n_failures = 4, single_rast = FALSE, write_results = FALSE )
moveSIM( replicates = 100, days, modeled_species, env_rast, optimum, dest_x, dest_y, mot_x, mot_y, search_radius = 375, direction = "S", sigma = 0.1, mortality = TRUE, fail_thresh = 0.5, n_failures = 4, single_rast = FALSE, write_results = FALSE )
replicates |
Integer, desired number of replicates per run. Default 100. |
days |
Integer, how many days (timesteps) would you like to model? Range (1,nlayers(env_rast)) |
modeled_species |
Object of class "species" |
env_rast |
Rasterstack or Rasterbrick with number of layers >= days |
optimum |
Numeric, optimal environmental value |
dest_x |
Numeric, destination x coordinate (longitude) |
dest_y |
Numeric, destination y coordinate (latitude) |
mot_x |
Numeric, movement motivation in x direction, range (0,1], default 1. |
mot_y |
Numeric, movement motivation in y direction, range (0,1], default 1. |
search_radius |
Radius of semicircle search regions (in km). Default 375. |
direction |
Character, movement direction, one of "N","S","E","W", or "R" (Random). Default "S". |
sigma |
Numeric, randomness parameter, range (-Inf, Inf). Default 0.1. |
mortality |
Logical, should low energy levels result in death? Default T. |
fail_thresh |
What percentage deviation from optimum leads to death? E.g. default of .50 means 50 percent or greater deviation from optimum on a particular step constitutes failure. |
n_failures |
How many failures are allowable before agent experiences death (at n_failures+1). What constitutes a failure is determined by fail_thresh, range (1,days]. Default 4. |
single_rast |
Logical, are you using a one-layer raster for all timesteps? Default F. |
write_results |
Logical, save results to csv? Default F. |
For each timestep, agents can have status "Alive", "Stopped", or "Died". All agents start alive and may stop if, on a particular timestep, there are no non-NA raster values in the search region. This often occurs when agents are searching over an ocean or a large lake, for example. Once an agent stops, they remain stopped for the rest of the run. Similarly, once an agent dies, they retain this status for all subsequent timesteps. All timesteps with agent status "Stopped" or "Died" will have lat/lon=NA, so as to not affect subsequent analyses.
Arguments mortality, n_failures, and fail_thresh interact with each other. If mortality = F, values for n_failures and fail_thresh are ignored. If mortality=T, fail_thresh determines what constitutes a failure, and n_failures indicates how many failures are allowed before death. Note: If n_failures=days, this is equivalent to mortality=F.
Under "results", a (days+1 * replicates) row X 7 column dataframe containing data on agent_id, day, longitude, latitude, current agent status (Alive, Stopped, or Died), distance traveled from last timestep (in km), and final status. Using tidy_results() provides a cleaner display of results.
Under "run_params", a record of function parameters used as well as missing_pct and mortality_pct. missing_pct corresponds to the percent of rows in the results dataframe missing information on lon/lat, which occurs when the agent has "died" or "stopped". mortality_pct refers to the percentage of agents in the run that died.
# Define species object pop1 <- as.species( x = -98.7, y = 34.7) # Run function EX2 <- moveSIM( replicates = 3, days = 10, env_rast = ex_raster, search_radius = 300, sigma = .1, dest_x = -108.6, dest_y = 26.2, mot_x = .8, mot_y = .8, modeled_species = pop1, optimum = .6, n_failures = 5, fail_thresh = .40, direction = "R", write_results = FALSE, single_rast = TRUE, mortality = TRUE) # View Results in Clean Format tidy_results(EX2, type = "results") tidy_results(EX2, type = "run_params")
# Define species object pop1 <- as.species( x = -98.7, y = 34.7) # Run function EX2 <- moveSIM( replicates = 3, days = 10, env_rast = ex_raster, search_radius = 300, sigma = .1, dest_x = -108.6, dest_y = 26.2, mot_x = .8, mot_y = .8, modeled_species = pop1, optimum = .6, n_failures = 5, fail_thresh = .40, direction = "R", write_results = FALSE, single_rast = TRUE, mortality = TRUE) # View Results in Clean Format tidy_results(EX2, type = "results") tidy_results(EX2, type = "run_params")
When type="plot", function plots the movement tracks versus the the straight line track between the origin and destination (unless the destination was unspecified in the call to moveSIM(), then straight line track is omitted). When type="summary_table", a summary table is output.
moveVIZ( data, type = "plot", title = "moveSIM results", aspect_ratio = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL )
moveVIZ( data, type = "plot", title = "moveSIM results", aspect_ratio = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL )
data |
Data to be plotted, this object should be the output from moveSIM(). |
type |
"plot" or "summary_table", default "plot". |
title |
Title for the plot that is output. |
aspect_ratio |
Aspect ratio, defaults to 1. |
xlim |
Optionally specify desired x limits as a numeric vector: c(low,hi) |
ylim |
Optionally specify desired y limits as a numeric vector: c(low,hi) |
Plot or table displaying moveSIM() results.
# 1. Define Population and Run moveSIM() pop1 <- as.species(x=-100, y=55) EX2=moveSIM(replicates=2,days=5,env_rast=ex_raster, search_radius=550, sigma=.1, dest_x=-108.6, dest_y=26.2, mot_x=.8, mot_y=.8, modeled_species=pop1,optimum=.6, n_failures=5, fail_thresh=.40, direction="R",write_results=FALSE,single_rast=TRUE,mortality = TRUE) # 2. Run moveVIZ() on your result moveVIZ(EX2,title="Visualizing MoveSIM results",type="plot") moveVIZ(EX2, type="summary_table")
# 1. Define Population and Run moveSIM() pop1 <- as.species(x=-100, y=55) EX2=moveSIM(replicates=2,days=5,env_rast=ex_raster, search_radius=550, sigma=.1, dest_x=-108.6, dest_y=26.2, mot_x=.8, mot_y=.8, modeled_species=pop1,optimum=.6, n_failures=5, fail_thresh=.40, direction="R",write_results=FALSE,single_rast=TRUE,mortality = TRUE) # 2. Run moveVIZ() on your result moveVIZ(EX2,title="Visualizing MoveSIM results",type="plot") moveVIZ(EX2, type="summary_table")
Prints results from moveSIM() or energySIM() in an easier-to-read table.
tidy_results(data, type = "results", nrows = NULL)
tidy_results(data, type = "results", nrows = NULL)
data |
The output from moveSIM() or energySIM() – a list of two dataframes. |
type |
"run_params" or "results", corresponding to which component of your moveSIM() or energySIM() output you'd like to print out. Default "results", which contains the movement data. |
nrows |
The number of rows to print. |
missing_pct and mortality_pct are not function paramet?ers, but are nonetheless computed and returned here for your convenience
missing_pct: What percent of rows exhibiting a missing location value (due to agent death or agent stopping)
mortality_pct: What percent of simulated agents experienced death?
Prints a cleaned table of moveSIM() or energySIM() results.